The Benefits of Thankfulness

November rolls around each year and everyone starts to reflect on what they have to be thankful about. We take thankfulness out along with the other holiday décor and as soon as the holidays are over, we pack it back up until the next November. What if we chose to be thankful all year? What if we chose to focus on one thing, we were thankful for each day, each week, each month?
The benefits of thankfulness have been extensively researched.
Thankfulness improves relationships.
Everyone has a need and desire to be appreciated—spouses, children, parents, friends, coworkers, even the strangers we meet in passing. When we express gratitude for people, we make them feel validated and that improves the quality of our relationships with them.
Thankfulness creates contentment.
The media is constantly telling us to buy more, do more, look like this, or act like that. By choosing to be thankful, you can ignore these messages and embrace contentment.
Thankfulness feels good.
You know how happy you feel around the holidays? When you chose to count your blessings and turn your heart and thoughts toward gratitude, the warm and fuzzy feelings follow.
Thankfulness keeps us healthy.
Reflecting on what we’re thankful for reduces stress. Feelings of thankfulness have tremendous positive value in helping people cope with daily problems. Thankfulness and optimism boosts our immune system.
Thankfulness cultivates humility.
When we choose to be thankful for the big and small things in our lives, we foster a heart of humility and a spirit of graciousness.
Thankfulness is contagious.
When we’re inspired by others’ gratefulness, it prompts our own grateful thoughts and actions as well.
Thankfulness produces positivity.
When we’re intentionally thankful, it naturally redirects our thoughts to see the good in other people and in our everyday lives.
Thankfulness promotes generosity.
When we are thankful for what we have, we can hold our abundance with an open hand and freely give to others. become a blessing to others.
Thankfulness increases likability.
When you are grateful, people see you in a positive light and they naturally like you and want to be around you.
Every day we get to choose to be thankful and to experience the benefits. Sometimes, it’s easier to focus on what we don’t have, rather than what we do have. Take time out to make a list for yourself. See how many things you can come up with. It can be anything from a few good friends to a raise at work.
Here a few ideas
- Good Health
- Weekends
- Pets
- Fresh Air
- A Bed to Sleep In
- Laughter
- Cars
- Sunshine
- Clean Water
- Cell Phones
- Love
- Books
- Kindness of Strangers
- Art
- Holidays
- Rainbows
- Waking up Today
- Indoor Plumbing
- Eyesight
- Grocery Stores
- Sunsets
- Your Mind
- Employment
- Diversity
- Moon and Stars
- Electricity
- Air Conditioning
- Hearing
- Oceans
- Modern Medicine
- Music
- Warm Clothing
- An Internet Connection
How many things can you add to the list?
Happy Thanksgiving!
- LaShundra Robinson